Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hello there

Well I suppose I should introduce myself.

I'm Sha, I live with my wonderful husband and I am officially an obsessed knitter. When I am not knitting, I am reading about knitting, finding patterns, drooling over yarn, and... well you get the point.

I'm lucky that I have a partner who is so supportive of my other love, and knows the meaning of "hold on honey, let me just finish this row/round!"

I decided I should start chronicling my works in progress, and finished objects so that over time and can look back fondly and think remember when...

Also, to make a note of mistakes that could have been avoided, tools and notions to stay away from etc.
And, of course, whatever (mis)adventures I may encounter along the way.

You may notice some posts before this one. That is because there were a few things I wanted to include from before I started this blog. Hope I am forgiven for the confusion:)

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